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BeitragVerfasst: 12.05.2008, 20:16 
Mill overseer & Thorins Schneewittchen

Registriert: 04.05.2006, 14:06
Beiträge: 21378
Was andere über ihn gesagt haben:

Sally Wainwright (Drehbuchautorin von Sparkhouse):

You asked what it was like working with Richard. You'll be delighted to hear he is a truly lovely, pleasant, good-natured man! He is what he looks like. It was a hard shoot, Sparkhouse. We were up to our knees in mud at 4 o'clock in the morning shooting some of the scenes, but the cast were delightful, despite the conditions we sometimes found ourselves in!

Quelle: C19, Brief an yorkshirewench

Brian Percival (Regisseur von N&S):

He played Thornton so well I guess he just made it his own and I doubt anyone else could ever have come close to what he brought to that character. Richard is a lovely man and I'm sure it will be another great success for him.

Quelle: C19 Archiv

Daniela Denby Ashe (Margaret Hale in North&South):

We had a great relationship and clicked immediately, and he really was brilliant as Thornton. We had a lot of good times on set because it was such a long shot (13 weeks) and I'm sure we totally annoyed the hell out of everyone with our giggling, which was just to keep ourselves going, really.

Quelle: Classic Drama Mag

Dominic Minghella (Produzent und Drehbuchautor von Robin Hood):

One of our great casting coups is Richard Armitage (who plays Sir Guy of Gisborne, the Sheriff's right-hand man), a modest man of sharp intellect and smouldering good looks. He has, shall we say, an impressive female following. Online discussion groups have been known to crash under the weight of his virtual fans' effusive admiration.

Today, he knocks on my door with a pencil and pad. Can he ask me some questions about his character? I tell him, truthfully, that I can't believe he is here – an actor of his talent, sitting on my sofa, talking to me about playing this part. I feel so lucky. Suddenly I stop myself – do I destroy what little (gamma-male) authority I have by being so candid? I glance at him. My concerns are unfounded. He is blushing. A man of his talent. I remind myself that the only folk more insecure than writers are actors.

Quelle: Telegraph, 01.10.06

Richard Curtis (Drehbuchautor von Vicar of Dibley):

I can't imagine ever doing a piece of work which doesn't have Richard Armitage in it again. He was so charming and so tough coming into a sitcom where everybody's known each other for, you know, a lifetime, and he couldn't have been sweeter.

Quelle: Interview auf Radio5

Liza Frank (Autorin von My Celebrity Boyfriend):

I've known Richard for about seven years as we worked together on the RSC's production of The Duchess of Malfi so I can promise that he's lovely. [...]

And of course Rich was singing along and air guitaring! He was a great voice and an even better sense of fun.[...]

Now, Richard. He was a great sense of humour and we used to muck around a lot when we were working on Malfi. He always used to make me laugh and it was a joy to work with him.[...]

Keep on adoring Rich - he's just lovely

Quelle: C19

Lucy Griffith (Marian in Robin Hood):

And, I just absolutely love working with Richard. He’s probably the best scene partner I’ve ever had. [...]. But, Richard and I just understand each other quite well. He allows me to say what I think about my performance and his performance without getting angry about it, and the other way around. I often will ask him if there’s something he can suggest to help me out, or if he can give me a reason. If I’m finding something difficult, I can ask him why he thinks that might be. We have a very good friendship as well. We laugh a lot together. And, he’s just very professional. He really, really prepares his work, and he’s very generous. He’s prepared to help you as well. He does whatever he needs to do, to make things easier for you, which is just wonderful, really.

Quelle: MediaBlvd Magazine, 09.05.08


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Verfasst: 12.05.2008, 20:16 

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BeitragVerfasst: 30.10.2008, 21:18 
Mill overseer & Thorins Schneewittchen

Registriert: 04.05.2006, 14:06
Beiträge: 21378
Dawn French (Geraldine in Vicar of Dibley)

in ihrer Biographie über die Filmküsse zwischen Richard und ihr:

Shy, giggling and loving.

Quelle: C19

Hermione Norris (Ros in Spooks):

However, Richard is fantastic; he's absolutely gorgeous, funny, charming and gentle, as well as being a great actor. I'm very spoilt!

Quelle: What's on TV?

Miranda Raison (Jo in Spooks):

He's a hearthrob with this Armitage Army surrounding the set when we're out on location. But there's no ego on him whatsoever, which is extraordinary.

Quelle: Manchester Evening News

Sarah Deane (Drehbuchautorin von Moving On):

Richard is very methodical and asks lots of questions to ensure he gets the character absolutely spot on. He is studious and 100% professional and fully deserves the respected reputation he has built up so far (I sound like his schoolteacher now). Both Gary (Williams, the director) and I thought he was a dream to work with.

My episode is more character-led, and I couldn't have wished for a better actor, because Richard 'cares', he's not just there for the money or the kudos, he does this because he believes in it. You can't buy that.

Quelle: Mail von SD an Patty von C19

Ein Statist bei Spooks:

Richard is a really nice guy, I'm happy to say. When he first arrived he was a little bit shy but that's understandable, considering the series he's now working on and the size of the crew. Once he got to know everyone he was fine. Good fun in fact. When he's on set he is, very focussed on his performance. He is a true professional. He got on extremely well with the other actors. And the girls on the unit were certainly very impressed...

Quelle: Spooks Forum


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BeitragVerfasst: 15.04.2009, 19:32 
Mill overseer & Thorins Schneewittchen

Registriert: 04.05.2006, 14:06
Beiträge: 21378
Lara Pulver (Isabella in Robin Hood):

What was it like having Richard Armitage play your brother? ""Just brilliant," is Lara's unequivocal response. ""Richard even thinks we look like siblings and we worked so well together. He's one of the most humble, hard working and patient men I know.

"It's long hours on set and we'd get to the end of the day and then get together and run lines and throw ideas at each other and it would all come together. It doesn't get better.

Quelle: BBC press office

Roy McMillan (Produzent von Sylvester):

‘Armitage is very nice... and was patient and dedicated. I felt he underplayed it rather nicely... treated it with respect... and had some good voices for the elderly ladies and the fop.’

Quelle: Naxos Audiobooks


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BeitragVerfasst: 16.10.2009, 19:20 
Mill overseer & Thorins Schneewittchen

Registriert: 04.05.2006, 14:06
Beiträge: 21378
Cast und Crew von Spooks

Hermonie Norris (Ros)

..... Richard Armitage is just sublime as Lucas North - very, very different, fantastic dark character - very different to Adam Carter - but serves the piece well.

Katie Swindon (producer)

..... When we were talking about a casting suggestion, Richard came up very, very early on just because he carries a mystery about him, just as a person he is. And he’s terribly charming, and when you look at him you don’t quite know what is going on behind the eyes, but at the same time you know there’s something there.
..... He a very contained person and the smallest flicker in his face and you end up questioning quite a lot so he’s very talented, great to have around, and very funny too.

Neil Cross (writer)

..... Wonderful thing about the guy that plays him is that it’s all in the eyes - he brings the entire tortured history of Lucas North directly to the screen without entirely over egging that - he’s a remarkable presence.

Andrew Woodhead (executive producer)

..... I think he brings an intensity, an intelligence and because of the nature of what he’s gone through - his backstory - he has been in a Russian jail for eight years - he’s been tortured - he has that complexity and pain - in those close ups you can see in his eyes all that is going on.

Miranda Raison (Jo)

..... He’s really difficult, he’s really demanding ..... I need a bigger trailer - he has a rider - he has to have you know all the blue M & M’s picked out - so yeah he’s really tricky and very short and quite fat - so I don’t think he’s going to be very photogenic.
..... He’s lovely - he’s much more sort of introverted, and yet he is considered - he really does character work and he knows Lucas back to front.

Gemma Jones (Connie)

..... He’s very nice, very handsome, got some splendid tattoos, and it’s good that he’s a very different personality to Rupert and I’m sure it will be a valuable mix.

Peter Firth (Harry)

..... He’s terrific, he’s a much darker presence, clearly a much more haunted and troubled soul.

Quelle: Spooks 7 DVD Extra/C19


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BeitragVerfasst: 01.11.2009, 11:41 
Mill overseer & Thorins Schneewittchen

Registriert: 04.05.2006, 14:06
Beiträge: 21378
Audio- Kommenatar zu Folge 5:

He's fantastic, a lovely man to work with, incredibly focused.[...]He has so many talents, very, very intense, very understanding of his character, he brings a lot to it.[...]

He's very intelligent. He's the one member of the cast that comes back with notes on the scenes. Sometimes very good notes.[...]

I never felt that Rich was ever trying to be anyone other than himself.

Quelle: Spooks 7 DVD


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BeitragVerfasst: 19.04.2010, 20:57 
Mill overseer & Thorins Schneewittchen

Registriert: 04.05.2006, 14:06
Beiträge: 21378
Orla Brady (Katie in Strike Back)

Very few actors could carry off this part, in that very few actors have the physique to be believable as a big SAS guy, yet have a deep sensitivity. He has both these things and that's a very powerful combination. In the hostage scenes when I had to be on the verge of hysteria, he'd get me with his eyes and hook me in.

Quelle: Strike Back Webseite

"There's something about working with Richard which is a huge treat because he is just great and generous and lovely to work with, and he looks good in a t-shirt..."

Quelle: Express

David Harewood (Tuck in Robin Hood)

Richard is a real gentlemen.

Quelle: Boosh

Dhaffer L’Abidine (Hakim in Strike Back)

Richard is great. He was really good fun. He’s a hard working actor, really hard working, and is very focused. But that’s what helps to make things work. He wants to figure out how to do things properly and I like to work like that too. But he’s also a really chilled out guy, so it was easy to work with him. The stuff I had to do is quite intense but the relationship with my co-stars was very chilled.

Quelle: indielondon


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BeitragVerfasst: 16.09.2010, 20:09 
Mill overseer & Thorins Schneewittchen

Registriert: 04.05.2006, 14:06
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Laila Rouass (Maya in Spooks)

...über das Drehen von Liebesszenen:

There's no one better than Richard [Armitage] to do those scenes with.

Quelle: Digital Spy

...über Ohrfeigen:

It was so difficult because Richard's the lovliest man you'd ever want to met.

Quelle: Hello


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BeitragVerfasst: 05.10.2010, 22:48 
Mill overseer & Thorins Schneewittchen

Registriert: 04.05.2006, 14:06
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Max Brown (Dimitri in Spooks)

Oh yeah, he’s all action and he definitely taught me a lot about using the moments and keeping my intensity up. He offered me a lot of advice on the things he has learned from doing shows like this and his previous roles, but he’s so professional. His head is always in the game and he always knows what’s going on. When you have someone like that with you it instils confidence, so we had a great time working together.

Quelle: IndieLondon


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BeitragVerfasst: 22.10.2010, 19:34 
Mill overseer & Thorins Schneewittchen

Registriert: 04.05.2006, 14:06
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Peter Jackson (Regisseur von The Hobbit):

"Richard is one of the most exciting and dynamic actors working on screen today and we know he is going to make an amazing Thorin Oakensheild. We cannot wait to start this adventure with him and feel very lucky that one of the most beloved characters in Middle-earth is in such good hands."

Quelle: Digital Spy

Richard is a powerful actor with a wide range, and we’re very excited to be handing Thorin over to him. In this partnership, we need Richard to give us his depth, range, and emotion as an actor — and we’ll make him look like a dwarf!

Quelle: Entertainment Weekly


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BeitragVerfasst: 10.04.2011, 15:35 
Mill overseer & Thorins Schneewittchen

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Clive Standen (Archer in Robin Hood)

I can Feel the Armitage love.So pleased for my 'brother in arms'.He's a great guy and deserves everything that's coming his way

Quelle: Twitter


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BeitragVerfasst: 29.06.2011, 16:37 
Mill overseer & Thorins Schneewittchen

Registriert: 04.05.2006, 14:06
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Mick Milligan (Stuntman bei Strike Back)

Richard is a gentleman. He did well in doing a lot of the fight sequences himself for the sake of character authenticity. For the duration of the shoot he lived John Porter. I think he even surprised himself. Easily one of my favourite actors. He's one of us.

Quelle: Facebook


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BeitragVerfasst: 22.09.2011, 22:41 
Mill overseer & Thorins Schneewittchen

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Lara Pulver (Erin in Spooks):

And it was wonderful because on my first day of shooting here, I got an email from Richard saying, ‘Just heard you got Spooks. I’m so glad they killed me off so you could come and join the show.’ So he’s a firm friend and I got to see a glimpse of the show through his eyes.

Quelle: Life of Wylie


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BeitragVerfasst: 08.02.2012, 17:48 
Mill overseer & Thorins Schneewittchen

Registriert: 04.05.2006, 14:06
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Eine ehemalige Mitschülerin:

"Makes me giggle when i see all these pictures etc of Richard ... he was such a quiet little boy at school :)"

Quelle: Twitter

"Yes i remember him :) Very nice lad indeed ! Used to love seeing his pics in sparkly dance outfits !

Quelle: Twitter

"Head to toe in sequins ! He was an amazing dancer , shame he will never do dance shows as himself . too shy !"

Quelle: Twitter


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BeitragVerfasst: 11.05.2012, 19:44 
Mill overseer & Thorins Schneewittchen

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Eric Vespe (Journalist, der die Hobbit-Dreharbeiten beobachten durfte):

You Richard Armitage fans have your devotion placed in the right man. He's very smart and very kind. Can I join the Army?

Quelle: Twitter


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BeitragVerfasst: 03.12.2012, 10:43 
Mill overseer & Thorins Schneewittchen

Registriert: 04.05.2006, 14:06
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Peter Jackson (Regisseur von The Hobbit):

I look on the characters of Bilbo and Thorin as the heart and soul of the story, really. Bilbo is the heart and Thorin is the soul. We auditioned the role of Thorin and saw many, many actors and Richard really managed to capture for us the very important sense of nobility because he is essentially playing a king, but also the conflict as to whether or not he has the ability to lead these dwarves on this very difficult quest, a small number to fight a dragon, to reclaim a homeland, it's a very noble thing he's trying to do but he doesn't really have the resources. Also, with the character, there's a sense of honour, the quiet honour that Richard carries which I think is absolutely superb. As an actor, Richard is one of those very rare actors in which he uses stillness and he uses quiet to draw your eye. There can be a lot of things happening on the screen, there can be many characters on the screen, and yet Thorin in his stillness draws your attention. It's a very, very rare skill and he's somebody when he's on screen your eyes go to, you want to watch.

Martin Freeman (Bilbo in The Hobbit):

It was very easy, working with Richard. What Peter just said about what he brings as Thorin is partly what he brings as a person which is that he has quiet determination. He respects himself and others, he respects others when working but he holds onto this strong core of himself, actually. He's about the least arrogant person you can wish to meet, very self-deprecating, and he's always up for what you're going to bring to the scene. I went to the gym with him once, and there was a few of us there, and we had to do these circuits around the gym with this insane, psychopath of a gym trainer, and I was busy dying about half way round. And I nearly did pass out, I genuinely nearly did, it was only a sports drink that stopped me from rolling on the floor. And Richard had sort of quietly completed the entire circuit with only slightly breaking a sweat; he sort of admitted he found it hard but what I really admired about that was that he wasn't being macho, he wasn't being butch, but he just quietly got on with it. And that's kind of how he treated the 18 months on the job, really. All the trials and tribulations that inevitably come, which is the day-to-day making of a film, it's tiring, you miss home, et cetera, but he was very stoical about it, which again is a great thing for Thorin. So there was a good marriage of Richard and Thorin there, and I enjoyed working with him very much. What I always think about Richard is that he is essentially a decent person, and I can offer someone no higher praise than that. He's a good human being. I like being around him.

Quelle: Hobbit Pressekonferenz in Tokyo


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